2022 Corporate Cup Challenge

Congratulations to the team of Lincoln Hills (Dan Contreras, Aaron Mitzelfeld, Erica Reed, and Dave Wojcicki) for bringing home the cup in the 28th Annual Corporate Cup Challenge! It was a beautiful day for golf! Thanks to all who played.

SKINS ($380 pot)

  • Hole #18 (2) Benona Shores
  • Hole #13 (3) E&A Grocery

GAMES ($10 each)

  • Long Drive #9 Rod Wyns
  • Long Putt Made #18 Mike Rumey
  • Proxy #7 Ken Taylor
  • Proxy #12 Shawn Pranger
  • Proxy 2nd Shot #3 Ken Taylor
  • Proxy 2nd Shot #15 Johnny Z.
  • Random Draw The Gimmes

2022 Rotary — FINAL RESULTS

Oceana Golf Club has kicked off our 60th anniversary season with the Shelby Rotary Club!

Congratulations to the team (pictured) of Fred Sanford, Joe Balulis, Erik Sanford, and Stan Sanford for enduring some wild weather to take home the title and hardware of the 2022 Shelby Rotary Club 4-Person Scramble by shooting a two-day total of 118 (59 and 59), a combined 28 under par. Placing 1st in the First Flight is John Monette, Glen Klomp, Rich St. Denis, and Charlie Mays with a 126; and 1st in the Second Flight is Leanny Castillo, David Castillo, Cody Castillo, and Logan Hernandez with a 132.

2022 Rotary Champs — Fred Sanford, Joe Balulis, Erik Sanford, Stan Sanford

This was Oceana Golf Clubs initiation and first tournament with our newly designed holes! We appreciate all 232 golfers for breaking in our new #5 and #8 holes, they each saw many birdies.

The weather certainly may have determined some of the scores. With a chilly 20-30 mph wind, rain, and temperatures struggling to get into the 50s, all the golfers are commended for their battle to raise funds for the Rotary Club to fund youth activities all around the area… you never know what you’re going to get with Spring golf in Michigan!

Thank you to the Shelby Rotary Club for allowing us to host this wonderful tournament! This year marks 37 years of this scramble which is also one of the Rotary Club’s largest fundraising programs to benefit the various community projects they sponsor.




  • Proxy #5 Erik Sanford
  • Proxy #7 Dick Silverwood
  • Proxy #12 Ross Falkowski
  • Proxy #17 Ross Finlan


  • Proxy #5 Paul Inglis
  • Proxy #7 Fred Sanford
  • Proxy #12 John Monette
  • Proxy #17 Mike Smigiel


  • Hole #10 (3) Hord Team
Per the rules sheet, "In the case of a tie, Saturday’s cards will be compared hole-by-hole starting with the lowest handicapped hole from the black tees."

All winners (within flights and of on-course games) are paid in golf shop prize merchandise credit to golfers’ club accounts on file, balances accessible by email. Skins are paid in cash, redeemable in the pro shop. Please contact the pro shop to inquire about your winnings.

2022 Rotary Scramble — DAY ONE & FLIGHTING

After the first round of play, and some unbearable rain, wind, and chill, here are the standings:


  • CHAMP 58-62 (8 teams)
  • FIRST 63-67 (22 teams)
  • SECOND 68+ (26 teams)

Champ places 1st-3rd, and First and Second place 1st-5th.

View the full Day One Hole-by-Hole results below.


  • Proxy #5 Erik Sanford
  • Proxy #7 Dick Silverwood
  • Proxy #12 Ross Falkowski
  • Proxy #17 Ross Finlan


  • Hole #4 (2) Shriver Team

Reminder that the skins game is combined so tomorrow’s scores have the chance to cancel!

Tee times will be the same tomorrow! Day two will consist of placing 1st-3rd in the Championship Flight and 1st-5th in the First and Second Flights.

All winners (within flights and of on-course games) are paid in golf shop prize merchandise credit to golfers’ club accounts on file, balances accessible by email. Skins are paid in cash, redeemable in the pro shop. Please contact the pro shop to inquire about your winnings.